Abernathy, Sciarrino:

The Strategic Digital Media Entrepreneur

Instructor Companion Site

Welcome to the Instructor Companion Site for

The Strategic Digital Media Entrepreneur

Welcome to the companion site for The Strategic Digital Media Entrepreneur, by Penelope Muse Abernathy and JoAnn Sciarrino. This site gives both college-level instructors and professional trainers access to the rich tools and resources available with this text. You can access and download the following resources:

  • Sample syllabi and recommendations for use in educational and professional settings

  • Study guides
  • Exercises
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Case Studies

Resources are displayed in two ways:

Using the menu at the top, select “Browse by Chapter.” A list of resources available for that particular chapter will be provided.

Using the menu at the top, select “Browse by Resource.” This will allow you to access a specific resource. You will then have the option of selecting specific resources within the section.

Please note that the resources on this site are for instructor use only and are password-protected. They can only be accessed by instructors and trainers who register with the site. Students and media professionals can access articles and videos that supplement material in the book on this site: www.cislm.org/digitalstrategy/

About the Book

The Strategic Digital Media Entrepreneur arms current and aspiring media entrepreneurs with strategies for translating their ideas into profitable and sustainable enterprises. As leaders in both the academy and the industry explore ways to tap into the potential unleased by this interactive, always-on technology, new business models are emerging. Digital media entrepreneurs need a new framework for thinking about strategy and business models.

This book is divided into three parts, each tackling a separate piece of the puzzle. Part I, “Understanding the Basics of Digital Entrepreneurship,” explores how the Internet has changed the business models for media enterprises. Part II, “Creating Sustainable Strategies and Business Models,” develops a new customer-focused strategy roadmap for creating profitable digital media business models. The concluding Part III, “Leadership in a Time of Change,” focuses on the leadership challenges and opportunities facing media entrepreneurs today and in the near future. Each section is potentially a stand-alone entity that can be incorporated into the curriculum of strategy, marketing, journalism, entrepreneurship, innovation, media management and leadership courses in communication, media, journalism, and business schools. The book can also be utilized in professional and corporate settings to guide strategic decision-making.


You are free to download the material on this site for your own use and teaching purposes.