
Levison's Textbook for Dental Nurses, 11th Edition

Student Companion Site

Welcome to the Student Companion Site for

Levison's Textbook for Dental Nurses, 11th Edition

Welcome to the student companion site for Levison’s Textbook for Dental Nurses, 11th edition. This website gives you access to the useful self-assessment tools and learning resources which are provided with this textbook.

On this website you will find:

For access to the image bank for lecturers please visit the lecturer companion site. Lecturers are required to register for access and approval will be granted only following validation of the request.

Resources are displayed in two ways:

  • Using the menu at the top, select a chapter. A list of resources available for that particular chapter will be provided.
  • Using the menu at the top, select a resource. This will allow you to access a particular resource section. You will then have the option of selecting resources within the section or going directly to a specific chapter.

Websites resources
You may also find these websites useful.

General Dental Council
National Examining Board for Dental Nurses
British Dental Association
British Association of Dental Nurses

About the book
Click here to purchase a copy of the book or to view full details.

You are free to download the material on this site for your own use and teaching purposes. For all other uses please contact our Permissions Department.