
The Ethical Journalist: Making Responsible Decisions in the Pursuit of News

Student Companion Site

Welcome to the Student Companion Site for

The Ethical Journalist: Making Responsible Decisions in the Pursuit of News

Welcome to the website accompanying The Ethical Journalist: Making Responsible Decisions in Pursuit of News Instructors, here you will find materials for your course including model syllabi, suggestions for teaching, test bank, power point slides and teaching resources. Students, you will find chapter-by-chapter additional material and case studies.

You can access these materials in two ways:

  1. By Chapter: Using the menu at the top, select a chapter. A list of resources available for that particular chapter will be provided.
  2. By Resource: Using the menu at the top, select a resource. This will allow you to access a particular resource section. You will then have the option of selecting resources within the section or going directly to a specific chapter.

About the Book

The Ethical Journalist gives aspiring journalists and writers the tools they need to make professional decisions they can defend. Focused on practice rather than theory, The Ethical Journalist familiarizes students with the profession’s consensus standards of ethical conduct, and encourages students to use their own sense of ethics to make the difficult decisions necessary to careers in journalism. Written by a veteran journalist with more than 40 years of experience in the field, this pioneering textbook brings the challenges of real journalism from the newsroom to the classroom. Gene Foreman combines the ideas of leading scholars and professional journalists to create an essential text for anyone seeking a future in journalism.