
Introducing Proteomics: From Concepts to Sample Separation, Mass Spectrometry and Data Analysis

Student Companion Site


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The following files contain an exercise that will take you to a hypothetical disease that is analysed by proteomics. The exercise is split into three parts for your convenience. Each part contains several questions. These questions aim to give you an opportunity to use some the knowledge gained from working through all five chapters of the book. It will also allow you to think critically about several challenges encountered in proteomic analyses.

Each part of the exercise has its own outline answer document which you can download separately. The answers in these documents might not always be complete; rather they will contain hints and explanations that should help you to come up with the answer by yourself.

Once you have completed the questions, please download the matching outline answer document so that you can check your answers.

You can use Adobe Reader for opening the files.

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