
Grids: Creative Solutions for Graphic Design

Instructor Companion Site


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Grids tutorials - Introduction for web page

All layouts need a structure, whether they are for a book or brochure, a poster, the side of a cereal box, or a website. For a layout to work successfully and consistently, the material needs something on which to sit, which is where grids come in. The following tutorials provide a series of exercises which will enable you to devise systems for designing the best grids for your own creative projects.

Tutorial 1 discusses the basics of grid proportion, and provides a starting point for selecting a grid’s margins. Tutorial 2 looks at the role of the baseline grid, and explains how to achieve perfect alignment across the full text area of a page. Tutorial 3 shows you how to divide a grid into modules that complement the column measure and help you make decisions about the vertical placement of material. Tutorial 4 explains how to adapt a single grid to accommodate multiple options for the number of available columns. Tutorial 5 examines how to break out of a grid without losing its structure, and finally, Tutorial 6 looks at free-form grids that don’t rely on conventional structuring techniques.

We hope these tutorials provide you with some useful insights into the working methods behind successful grid design.

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