Khan, Khan, Gupta, Hussain, Nageshwaran:

OSCEs for Medical Finals

Student Companion Site

Likelihood tables

Word on campus: Likelihood of stations appearing in OSCEs finals

These tables are based on an anecdotal survey of current and former students from every medical school in the UK to find out how likely they thought it was for each station in our book to appear in their finals OSCEs.

We would emphasise that this survey is completely anecdotal and arbitrary. The students rated the stations on a scale of 1-4, where 4 represents the stations they feel are most likely to appear, and 1 the stations least likely to appear. These ratings are purely and exclusively their personal opinions, and are not based on or derived from any official sources.

It’s well known that medical students have conversations and discussions all the time about what may or may not appear in finals OSCEs. We hope that collating some of this through a survey will help stimulate interest and facilitate healthy debate and discussion amongst medical students.

We strongly advise students not to cut corners or be selective in their study and revision. Whilst it is reasonable to prioritise and be focussed in your learning, remember that a safe and competent doctor must be able to see and assess any patient with any condition. It is probably for this reason that finals OSCEs quite rightly have a significant element of unpredictability. This should be viewed not as a burden but rather as an opportunity to ensure your learning is as broad as possible, and patient-orientated rather than exam-focussed.

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