Fletcher, Simpson, Campbell, Overall:

The Science of Intimate Relationships

Instructor Companion Site

Welcome to the Instructor Companion Site for

The Science of Intimate Relationships

Welcome to the companion site for 'The Science of Intimate Relationships' by Garth Fletcher, Jeffry A Simpson, Lorne Campbell and Nickola Overall. This book represents the first interdisciplinary approach to the latest scientific findings relating to human sexual relationships.

The purpose of this Instructor Manual is to assist you in teaching courses using The Science of Intimate Relationships. The website features recommended readings, recommended websites and videos, essay topics, and further supplementary materials.

To access these materials, you will be invited to register for access. You will be asked to provide your name and affiliation, and details about your course. Once your request has been approved you will be given a username and password, so you can sign in to use the materials as often as you like.