Chen, Orum, Paulsen:

Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience

Instructor Companion Site

Welcome to the Instructor Companion Site for

Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience

Welcome to the website for Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience. This site, presenting material created by the authors, contains a number of resources that you will find helpful in using the book for university courses.

You are invited to make use of the Essay and Discussion Questions. These materials contain a number of questions relevant to each chapter, and they supplement the Critical Thinking Questions included in the book (these questions are different from those in the book, so will be unfamiliar to students). You may also find the 20 Additional Cases and Examples useful for lecture or class discussion. Also included is a guide to pairing these with the relevant chapters, and you will notice that a number of the cases and examples speak to material from more than one chapter. With minor editing, the additional cases and examples could be used as part of an assignment or exam that asks students to analyze new material using concepts from the text.

These materials are password-protected to ensure that only instructors have access.  It’s very easy to register for access. Simply click on the resource you wish to use and you will be asked to provide your name and affiliation. Once your request has been approved you will be given a username and password, so you can sign in to use the materials as often as you like.

Use the 'Browse by Resource' menu at the top side of the page to navigate the site. The Additional Cases and Examples can also be browsed by chapter.

You can access the Student Companion Site by clicking on the link in the Toolbox located at the top right hand corner of this page. The Student Companion Site features a List of Urban Studies Journals, an Annotated List of Urban Studies Web Resources, and an Annotated Documentary Film Guide.