Chandler, Scott:

Statistical Methods for Trend Detection and Analysis in the Environmental Sciences

Student Companion Site

Welcome to the Student Companion Site for

Statistical Methods for Trend Detection and Analysis in the Environmental Sciences

This is the homepage for the book Statistical Methods for Trend Detection and Analysis in the Environmental Sciences by Richard Chandler and Marian Scott, published as part of Wiley's Statistics in Practice series in March 2011. Here you can download software and data sets to accompany the book; errata are also noted below.

Software and data sets

The software provided here consists of a collection of R scripts that can be used to reproduce most of the analyses in Part 1 of the book. R is freely available from, as are the add-on libraries required for some of the examples. The analyses in the book were carried out using R version 2.8.1 under Windows XP, and cross-checked using R version 2.10.1 under a Linux system (Ubuntu 2.6-32).

The software and data are provided in a single zip archive, It is recommended that this archive should be unpacked into a separate directory. After unpacking the zip archive, read the file SMTDA.pdf (also available for direct download here). This provides a summary of the software and data files, and gives details of required add-on packages and how to install them.


  • On page 33, Figure 2.3c is incorrect – the correct version can be produced using script nlwind.r in the software distribution.
  • On page 133, in lines 4 and 8 the matrix should be H.
  • On page 193, the θs in the legend for Figure 5.5(a) should be φs; and on line 3 of the figure caption the sequence δ1, …, δ50 should be δ1, …, δ250.