Gullan, Cranston:

The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, 4th Edition

Instructor Companion Site

Welcome to the Instructor Companion Site for

The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, 4th Edition

Welcome to the companion site for the fourth edition of The insects: an outline of entomology by P. J. Gullan and Peter Cranston.

On this site you will find:

  • Copies of figures from the book for downloading, in both jpeg and Powerpoint formats
  • Colour versions of key figures from the book
  • A list of useful web links for each chapter, selected by the author.

You can access these resources on the site in two ways:

  1. Using the menu at the top, select a chapter. A list of resources available for that particular chapter will be provided.
  2. Using the menu at the top, select a resource. This will allow you to access a particular resource section. You will then have the option of sleecting resources within the section or going directly to a specific chapter.

The figures are in jpeg format at standard resolution (96dpi) for viewing on screen and at a higher resolution (300 dpi) for downloading and pasting into your own Powerpoint presentations.

You are free to download this material for your own use and for teaching purposes provided that this material is not made available to the general public without further authorisation.

For all other uses please contact our Permission Department: [email protected]

Click here to purchase a copy of the book or to view full details.